Books you might like

It’s been a while since I posted any recommendations and over summer I read a bunch of good books, so here goes!

Team Geek 2012

by Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman

Great book about team dynamics and software culture, written by a couple Xooglers and based on learnings from a series of popular presentations about dysfunctional teams. Many great lessons contained. Some of the first chapters seemed a bit basic or quite obvious, but it was definitely worth persisting and continuing through as there was much gold in the later sections.

Creativity Inc 2014

by Edwin Catmull and Amy Wallace

Edwin Catmull of Pixar fame’s treatise of leadership at a creative powerhouse. Excellent book with many insights on leading creative teams and a unique first-hand perspective on the personality of Steve Jobs.

Clean architecture 2018

by Robert C Martin

Uncle Bob has a go at writing about software architecture. Plenty of insight from a career predating my conception. Nothing to take verbatim though as has some questionable constructs which appear to be more an attempt at influence than ideas that have been peer-reviewed and are authoritative.

The Pragmatic Programmer 1999

by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

For sure my favourite in this list. Truly a timeless classic on how to approach programming with down to earth advice that cannot be faulted.

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