Videos you might like

Continuing in the spirit of recommending things I both enjoyed and found valuable, here’s some freely available videos that you might enjoy.

Moral Philosophy

Ever wondered what’s the right thing to do? You probably have given many philosophical questions are ubiquitous and we live them often. If you’ve never thought to enquire in to ethics or moral philosophy, or wish to mount a succinct defence of the categorical imperative, then you should seriously consider watching this lecture series.

It starts with discussion of relatively simplistic questions yet quickly moves to deep and important moral inquiry. The ancient Greeks warned that investigation of such questions has risks attached and so be warned. The first lecture also covers this warning.

By episode six I’d suggest you are careful as the discussions pivot around questions that are much more complex, requiring deep thought and introspection. From then on you will need to think deeply and watch for the pivots if you are to follow without the required readings. The accompanying website, linked in the videos, has more information also.

Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do, by Michael Sandel

The Human Immune system

There are good reasons why, in the midst of a deadly pandemic, one might wish to understand the human immune system better. The fact that viruses are not susceptible to treatment by antibiotics is not the least of these. In this first video, Emma Bryce of TED education presents a succinct introduction to the human immune system and immunity.

If you are like me and would like to learn more about the immune system than the basics then try this university level course on human physiology with free videos on YouTube. The following links to a playlist which is the section on human immunity and part of the full course on human physiology. Also good if you’re considering training to become a medical doctor.

Janux: Human Physiology, by the University of Oklahoma
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